Hosted by Bank of America Chicago 13.1: The Bank of America Chicago 13.1 offers runners a unique experience, bringing a world-class half marathon to the neighborhoods of Chicago’s West Side. The 13.1-mile course weaves through the historic parks and boulevards of the West Side, starting and finishing in Garfield Park with scenic loops through Humboldt and Douglass Parks.
The Bank of America Chicago 13.1 course travels through the historic parks and boulevards of Chicago’s West Side. Before and after the event, we encourage you to explore restaurants, sights and activities in and around Garfield, Humboldt and Douglass Parks!
The 2023 Bank of America Chicago 13.1 earned Evergreen Certification from the Council for Responsible Sport, a recognition reserved for sporting events that demonstrate the highest possible commitment to environmental and social responsibility. The Council for Responsible Sport is a not for profit organization which provides objective, independent verification of the socially and environmentally responsible work of sporting events. Responsible Sport certified events are some of the world’s leading examples of responsible sport in action, supporting sustainability and environmental consciousness.