one earth local
Westside Environmental Justice Alliance (WEJA)
WEJA is One Earth’s newest initiative, in conjunction with 290 IPO, Bethel New Life and a growing list of partners.
Begun in 2024, this is a coalition of West Side activists and community-based organizations (Ashland Ave to Austin Blvd) that are coming together monthly to identify ways to work together and share resources.
If you would like to join us, please contact We are open to anyone working or living on the West Side who wants to build a healthier community. You can also fill out our “Love Letter to the West Side”
Green Block Party Programs
If you’re planning a block party for your block, One Earth Local has created a suite of fun and engaging 30-minute programs that are perfect for kids and adults to explore green living.
We bring all materials and prizes for three “Be A Planet Hero” programs for families with children, centered around native plants, zero waste living, and reducing energy use.
We also bring cocktails and mocktails and provide a community expert for three “Summer Soiree” programs for adults, centered around native landscaping, electrifying your home, and reducing flooding.
Climate Ready Community Outreach to Oak Park (COOP)
COOP is an outreach and education project around the Village of Oak Park’s Climate Ready Oak Park sustainability plan. COOP is a place where community activists can collaborate and communicate on projects. COOP members post their events on One Earth's calendar and have a google group, as well as monthly meetings.
If you would like your Oak Park community based organization to be a part of COOP, please contact:
Austin Eats
One Earth is one of 26 members of this community-based, food equity group in the Austin neighborhood of Chicago's West Side. Austin Eats’ goal is to create a more resilient food system, through action, learning, justice, and equity and inclusion.
Austin’s 90,000+ residents currently only have two full-time grocery stores, yet it’s the largest neighborhood of Chicago.
Austin Eats is working to build a model that other communities can use. One Earth supports Austin Eats by serving as an active member of the coalition's Food Education team, and leading event-based food education initiatives using our unique awareness-to-action model around the arts for social change.
Green Community Connections
Known as Green Community Connections, One Earth Local is a community-based organization founded in the Oak Park and River Forest area that works collaboratively to build a resilient, environmentally sustainable community locally, and to be an environmental leader in the greater Chicago metropolitan area.
Green Community Connections began in 2010 under Sally Stovall’s leadership.
The group expanded and founded the One Earth Film Festival in 2012.
We work closely with both municipalities of Oak Park and River Forest, as well as a network of nonprofits and NGOs who are leading sustainability work locally.
GCC has been one of the dozens of institutional stakeholders in the two-village sustainability plan, PlanIt Green, over many years.
Green Community Connection’s goal is to develop a deeper understanding of natural systems, build community, and inspire change that promotes sustainability at the family, organizational and public policy levels.
Our website is packed with resources, tips and ideas that can make your home and way of life more sustainable.
Green Block Parties in the Village of Oak Park, including tree tours of the block, zero waste resources for running a zero waste block party, and presentations for edible/native plant/butterfly gardening.
Living & Learning Tours that include homeowners showing off their green homes, including solar panels, passive solar homes, grey water systems, water smart landscaping and other green home technologies.
Pro-Action Cafes that help connect local environmental activists in Oak Park & River Forest network and get to know each other’s programs.